ProQuest Core Packages from LIRN
Content that drives excellence.
Our core packages are a cost-effective way for your library to offer a strong collection of general education materials that support your accreditation and licensing requirements.
Well-rounded content packages that suit your school's programs.
We offer a Core package from ProQuest, and we can help you choose the package that best matches your school's programs and budget.

All LIRN Core packages include access to over 2,800 full-text ebooks from Gale eBooks.
Our core package choices and providers.
Our ProQuest Core Package features ProQuest Central and provides a rich set of resources for your library collection. You can add additional databases to the core package in order to customize your subscription to the programs your school offers.
Health Research
The Arts
Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database
Agricultural Science Database
Biological Science Database
Computer Science Database
Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database
Engineering Database
Environmental Science Database
Materials Science Database
Military Database
Science Database
Telecommunications Database
ABI/INFORM Collection
Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection
Asian & European Business Collection
Business Market Research Collection
Health & Medical Collection
Consumer Health Database
Healthcare Administration Database
Nursing & Allied Health Database
Psychology Database
Public Health Database
Arts & Humanities Database
Research Library
Australia & New Zealand Database
Continental Europe Database
East & South Asia Database
East & Central Europe Database
India Database
Latin America & Iberia Database
Middle East & Africa Database
Turkey Database
U.K. & Ireland Database
Career & Technical Education Database
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database (CBCA)
Publicaly Available Content Database
International Newsstream
Canadian Newsstream
U.S. Newsstream
Global Breaking Newswires